Savings script

So I was thinking about writing a script to calculate the savings over a certain matter of time and came up with the following.


use warnings;
use strict;

print "What is the yield?\n";
my $yield = <>;
print "How many years?\n";
my $years = <>;
print "How much money saved anually?\n";
my $savings = <>;
my $i;
my $new_savings = 0;

for($i = 1; $i <= $years; $i++) {
	$new_savings = $savings + $new_savings;
	$new_savings = $new_savings + $new_savings*($yield/100);
	printf "Savings for year $i are \$%.2f.\n", $new_savings;

Below is an usage example.

[19:43:04] xavi@ubuntu:/tmp $ ./
What is the yield?
How many years?
How much money saved anually?
Savings for year 1 are $10500.00.
Savings for year 2 are $21525.00.
Savings for year 3 are $33101.25.
Savings for year 4 are $45256.31.
Savings for year 5 are $58019.13.
[19:43:18] xavi@ubuntu:/tmp $

This just gives an idea of the money that can be saved over a short period of time with a five percent yield. It’s a really simple script.

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