Our goalkeeper scores goals too

So we at Deportivo made history being the first Galician team to win the Liga, but now we have the first goalkeeper to score a goal in first division championship history.

Yes, after another horrendous, pitiful match away from Riazor in the 93 minute Aranzubia scores the goal that ties the match and helps keep Deportivo away from relegation. This was a crucial match. Almeria is also fighting against relegation and beating Deportivo would have shortened the points difference with us. Thanks to Aranzubia’s goal Almeria is still in the 19th position with twenty-one points and Deporivo keeps the distance having twenty-six points. Relegation will be a tough fight this year.

So here is the goal. Enjoy.

Forza Depor, oe!!!

Savings script

So I was thinking about writing a script to calculate the savings over a certain matter of time and came up with the following.


use warnings;
use strict;

print "What is the yield?\n";
my $yield = <>;
print "How many years?\n";
my $years = <>;
print "How much money saved anually?\n";
my $savings = <>;
my $i;
my $new_savings = 0;

for($i = 1; $i <= $years; $i++) {
	$new_savings = $savings + $new_savings;
	$new_savings = $new_savings + $new_savings*($yield/100);
	printf "Savings for year $i are \$%.2f.\n", $new_savings;

Below is an usage example.

[19:43:04] xavi@ubuntu:/tmp $ ./yield.pl
What is the yield?
How many years?
How much money saved anually?
Savings for year 1 are $10500.00.
Savings for year 2 are $21525.00.
Savings for year 3 are $33101.25.
Savings for year 4 are $45256.31.
Savings for year 5 are $58019.13.
[19:43:18] xavi@ubuntu:/tmp $

This just gives an idea of the money that can be saved over a short period of time with a five percent yield. It’s a really simple script.

Squeeze is now stable

So squeeze is now stable. Together with the new Debian stable release the guys also updated the website.

I have created a small bash script to perform the upgrade. Here it is.

echo "Moving to /etc/apt"
cd /etc/apt
echo "Backing up sources.list"
cp sources.list sources.list.`date +%F`
echo "Changing the sources for squeeze"
sed 's/lenny/squeeze/g' sources.list > squeeze.sources.list
echo "Copying squeeze to sources.list"
cp squeeze.sources.list sources.list
echo "Performing the upgrade."
apt-get update
apt-get dist-upgrade

Run the script as root or use sudo when executing.

Resulting file should be something like the following.

## main & security repositories
deb http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/ squeeze main
deb-src http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/ squeeze main
deb http://security.debian.org/ squeeze/updates main
deb-src http://security.debian.org/ squeeze/updates main


  1. Go2Linux
  2. Linode

‘Access denied for user ‘debian-sys-maint’@’localhost’

So the other day I made an aptitude safe-upgrade and MySQL was upgraded. Thing is I made some changes and when I tried to restart MySQL I saw the following error.

user@server:~$ sudo /etc/init.d/mysql restart
[sudo] password for user:
Stopping MySQL database server: mysqld failed!
Starting MySQL database server: mysqld already running.
/usr/bin/mysqladmin: connect to server at ‘localhost’ failed
error: ‘Access denied for user ‘debian-sys-maint’@’localhost’ (using password: YES)’

Well fixing this error is fixed changing the password for MySQL user debian-sys-maint. We will retrieve the password from the file /etc/mysql/debian.cnf.

server:~# cat /etc/mysql/debian.cnf
# Automatically generated for Debian scripts. DO NOT TOUCH!
host = localhost
user = debian-sys-maint
password = password
socket = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
user = debian-sys-maint
password = password
socket = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
basedir = /usr

We backup the MySQL databases.

user@server:~$ mysqldump -u root -p –all-databases > /tmp/backup.sql
Enter password:

Now lets change the debian-sys-maint password in the database.

mysql>GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO ‘debian-sys-maint’@’localhost’ IDENTIFIED BY ‘password’ WITH GRANT OPTION;

Now we should be able to safely restart the database server.

user@server:~$ sudo /etc/init.d/mysql restart
[sudo] password for user:
Stopping MySQL database server: mysqld.
Starting MySQL database server: mysqld.
Checking for corrupt, not cleanly closed and upgrade needing tables..


  1. Ubuntuforums